Sunday, November 27, 2011

The dark is winning

It seems dark is winning over light,
Do you remember the two faces of my plight?
Hard reality sets in and flimsy dreams disperse
The heart aches, aches and aches
It still has hope that light will one day reign
But day by day, it seems; the light succumbs
Engulfed by dark, cold and brutal winds
Rendering to dust what was sweet and pure;
What was innocent, well intentioned and true
Imposing a torturous spell on a defenseless mind
A pitiless attack on an unguarded heart
Rendering to dust a sapped out soul

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Blissful Plight

I want nothing more than to hear his voice.
No, that's a lie!....I want to see him, I want to hold him close, to fall asleep in his arms, I want to protect him, to hold his head to my breasts and sing to him, I want to kiss him and stand by him...I just want to be with him.

I cannot believe that it is not be.
Why oh why! is not right, how can you even think about it, why did you let it happen, what were you thinking, how are you going to deal with the aching hollowness that comes with his absence...because he is leaving; he was never here to begin with.

Like the dark and the light.
Are these two faces of my plight; never meeting but living side by side
But my oh my!..what a blissful plight, to feel so featherlight and yet fall unrestrainedly into the heavy depths of the night.